Tuesday, July 28, 2009
8/01 Free Pre-Natal Yoga Class
Our friends at Tucson on The Cheap posted the following deal!
"Tucson’s Yoga Connections offers a free pre-natal yoga class that will be held this Saturday. I’ve taken yoga classes over there before and LOVED it–they are very good and the studio is high quality. Yoga Connection has mats and blocks and straps available, so you can use their equipment.
You DO need to reserve a slot, so pick up the phone.
Where: Yoga Connection, 4893 E. Speedway Tucson 85712 (520) 323-1222.
When: Saturday, August 1, 2009 12:30 PM -2:30 PM.
How much: Free."
Monday, July 27, 2009
FREE Movies!
Tatiana, thank you for emailing me the following information to share!
"Just passing along a week long of FREE movies at the loft cinema. Plus they are passing out free books and goodie bags each day. Starting Sat, July 25th through August 2nd at 10am, they are showing various children's movies."
This Weeks Back To School Deals
August 3rd for the kids at Estes!
Here are the deals that I posted on Savvy Savings Tucson for those of you procrastinating the back to school shopping! :-)
3-Day Sale Sunday Through Tuesday Only
Caliber 100 Page Composition Books $.99 Earn .99 ECBs Limit 2
=FREE after ECBs!
Caliber Pencil or Index Card Case $.99 Earn .99 ECBs Limit 2
=FREE after ECBs!
CVS Erasers, Push Pins or Binder Clips $.99 Earn .99 ECBs Limit 2
=FREE after ECBs!
Pilot Easytouch Pen 2 Pk $.99 Earn .99 ECBs Limit 2
=FREE after ECBs!
Swingline Tot Stapler or Caliber Sticky Notes 2 pk $.99 Earn .99 ECBs Limit 2
=FREE after ECBs!
Buy 1, get 2 free (page 1)
2-pocket folder: 3 for $0.59
1-subject notebook: 3 for $0.99
Composition book: 3 for $1.99
Filler paper (120, 130 sheets): 3 for $1.59
3 for $0.99 (page 9 of ad)
5-tab dividers
Sheet protectors, 10 ct.
3 for $1.99
Sharpie (2-pack)
Crayola Crayons (24 ct)
Poly portfolio
Colored pencils (12 ct)
Glue stick (3 ct)
Carry-all pouch
3 for $2.99
Corner Office pens or dry erase markers
Highlighters (5 pack)
Mini Stapler
39-cent sale
Elmers Glue with in-ad coupon (page 10) - limit 4
Posterboard with in-ad coupon (page 10) - limit 6
Scotch bubble mailer
Penway school supplies (protractor, ruler, pencil/crayon sharpener, pencil case, index card case)
2-pocket poly folder (3 for $1)
99-cent art supplies
Construction paper, 96 sheets
Makers, 10 ct.
Office Depot
Office Depot Student Compass with Refillable Pencil .05 Limit 3
Scholastic Glue Stick 4-pk .20 Limit 3
1" School Binders .75 Limit 3
Verbatim 8 GB USB Drives Reg 44.99 Sale $24.99
Office Max
Schoolio Von Hoolio Crayons, 24 ct .01 Limit 3
Westcott Junior 5" Scissors Blunt or Pointed .20 Limit 3
Assorted Erasers and Grips .25 Limit 3
Schoolio Von Hoolio 2 or 4 pocket Ploy Folders with or without Prongs .25 Limit 6
Sandisk Cruzer 4 GB USB Flash Drive Reg. 29.99 Sale $14.99
SRX Mechanical Pencil Starter Set .99
2 pack Black Dry Erase Markers 1.50
40 pencil top erasers $1
Crayola 24 ct .25
Index Cards .44
1/2- 1" Binders $2
Spiral Notebooks .15
Elmer's 2-pack Washable Glue Sticks .25
Elmer's 4-ounce Washable Glue .25
Trapper Folders .50
Trapper 70-Sheet Notebook .50
Crayola Markers $1
Crayola 12-ct Colored Pencils $1
24-ct #2 Pencils $1
Purell Hand Sanitizer 8 oz $2
Ziploc Bags 30-120 ct $2
Puffs 4-pack Tissues 3.24
Backpacks $9
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I believe, each box is around 35 lbs.
These are great for canning and just plain eating. They are delicious!!!!!
All money has to be in to Heather Parris by August 20, or your order will not be placed.
You may contact Heather Parris at 744-6573 to place your order.
All payments needs to be sent to:
Heather Parris,
6880 W. Tombstone Way, Tucson, AZ 85743.
Any questions, please call Heather.
I just have to add that I have ordered these through Heather twice before and I have canned enough peaches and pears to last me all year to the next order and it is SO WORTH IT! They are delicious!! (to eat fresh they are also AMAZING!) -Kati
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
FREE Kids' Summers Space Camp at Borders

A bit of what your kiddos will enjoy:
- Storytime
- Games
- Moonwalk Trivia
- Crafts
- Face painting
Monday, July 20, 2009
Preschool Opening
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Crib & Mattress Free
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
It's HOT outside!

*Swimming- YMCA pool on Shannon Rd. $3/adults, $0.75/kids; Oro Valley Municipal Pool (at Kriegh Park- next to CDO High School) at 23 Calle Concordia $2/adults, $0.50/kids; ARC-Edith Ball Pool at Reid Park (next to the zoo entrance) $1.50/adults, $0.25/kids.
*Tohono Chul Park
*Pima Air and Space Museum and *”Bone Yard”
*Breakers Water Park
*Letterboxing- visit letterboxing.org to find local clues
*Scavenger Hunt Guides- activities to keep your children engaged while visiting local attractions. Visit aimforcollege.com for more info.
*Reid Park- Zoo: feed the giraffes, get some $1 menu lunch, cool off in the ‘Kenya Wet’ area; swim at the ARC pool (next to the zoo entrance), play at the park, waterfall and playgrounds, ride the train, feed the ducks or walk through the rose gardens.
*Funtasticks – East of the Tucson Mall, open most days 10am-midnight, costs vary
*International Wildlife Museum
*Tucson Botanical Gardens
*Libraries- all have some summer activities- see website (library.pima.gov) or pick-up a flyer at your local library. Events are free but most require reservations.
*Classes or summer camps available at: My Gym, Gymboree, Little Gym, KidzArt, L’il Chefs Academy, YMCA/Triangle Y, Int’l Wildlife Museum, *Desert Museum, Tucson Children’s Museum, Christian Youth Theater
Mom’s Morning at Breakers
*Bike rides hikes play at a park storytimes at the libraries or bookstores summer movies
*Bowling at Bedroxx (open most days at 1pm, maybe earlier for the summer) Indoor food and play: Peter Piper Pizza, Monkey Business, Chuck E Cheese, Chik-fil-A, McDonalds, Burger King Play areas at Foothills and Tucson Malls Swimming at local parks and recreation pools or YMCA
*Traildust Town La Placita movies (see ‘Ongoing’) La Encantada Courtyard concert series and events Other ideas in ‘Ongoing’ section
*Sabino Canyon- tram and trails Mt Lemmon- cooler weather, hiking, lakes, ski lift at Winterhaven, camping Ghost towns (google it and hit the road!)