Safeway approached me via email indicating They have just lowered prices, are doing some marketing promotion giveaways yada yada... They said they would give me a $50 gift certificate and 3 giveaway gift certificates to readers if I blogged about my shopping experience, and basically -not officially- advertise for them. (on the Marana Mom's site) -My problem is with the advertising part...obviously not the free $.
My first instinct was to send them my mailing address with an excited YES I'll do it.
But wait.
What is the purpose of this blog?
Personally when I started this blog it was to help us moms, grandmothers, caretakers etc. get answers to questions, advice, share a great find or free deal, post good ideas, inform of upcoming events...etc.
I realize this give away benefits you and
obviously me, but I personally don't want this blog updated with marketing --STUFF-- for lack of better words.
I feel like your time is OBVIOUSLY precious... and if you want ideas on couponing, store sales ETC... You would go to a site like Stephanie's -----> on side of blog.
I don't have time for FLUFF...and I am assuming neither do you.
I am not saying couponing is FLUFF, when I sit down to the computer and want to look at ad's, ad match options, and coupon applications, I want to go to ONE SITE and move on.
Same with Marana Mom's I want to go here for the purpose it was intended.
I should ask you, what do you think...?