My mother-in-law recently passed away and we are selling these items from her house. Everything is in good condition (and some things are only a couple of months old). If you have any questions about dimensions or age please contact me or leave a comment. Also, these are all suggested prices but we are willing to take best offer. We also have misc items like lamps, kitchen items, linens, decor items that we will be giving away. If you are in need of any of these things, please let me know.

Rocking Chair $25

Vanity with vanity chair (forgot to take a picture of it)-$35

Green sofa-$150

7.2 Cu Feet chest freezer-$150 (this is brand new, she didn't even have a chance to fill it)

La-Z-Boy rocker/recliner chair-$100

Leather match sofa-$350
I will take the rolltop for $30 if it is still up for the taking. Thank you.Renee 6823994/2609882
Hi Lynette,
So sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. I just left a message on Matt's cell phone. Can't find yours although I know I have it. I would be interested in the roll top (as is joco), the vanity and chair, maybe the black tables and the corner unit armoire. Please call me and let me know if any of those items are available. Thanks, Linda Zupi 744-7177 home and cell 360-4363
I would be very interested in two of your items if they are still available. I would like to purchase the tv and the dryer for my mother in law. If you could please give me a call and let me know if these things are available. Thank you very much, Carrie
hm # 690-0899 and cell # 954-7665
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