Many women locally have been begging me to teach a couponing class. Tomorrow (WEDNESDAY May 25th) I am teaching a FREE class at Estes Elementary.
11279 W. Grier Road. Marana, AZ
They said that anyone from the community is welcome to attend. The class will be held in the library at 3:30 p.m.. You are welcome to bring a friend.
For those of you who live far away, here is the information on how I organize my coupons.
Pinching Your Pennies is a free website that lists weekly deals with coupons. Click on the current list. I love that they give the deals STAR ratings. You know that 4 or 5 stars is a great deal.
If you live outside Arizona, click here to see the deals listed by other States!
Click here for information on organizing and couponing in Arizona.
Want to Increase Your Couponing Savings even more?

I think I save at least $15 extra each week using Couponsense than I did using Pinching Your Pennies.
If you live outside Arizona, click here to see the deals listed by other States!
Click here for information on organizing and couponing in Arizona.
Want to Increase Your Couponing Savings even more?
If you are wanting to seriously coupon, there are websites that charge to see a more intense list of coupons matched with what is on sale. Couponsense is the most used here in Arizona. They have a more comprehensive list for the serious couponer. They teach you how to combine online loadable coupons with manufacturer coupons to get even better deals. Right now they have a promotion for those who want to try it. $4 for the first month and $15 each month after. You can cancel at any time.
I think I save at least $15 extra each week using Couponsense than I did using Pinching Your Pennies.
I also saved so much time using Couponsense. Before I was copying and pasting each individual deal I wanted to use from Pinching Your Pennies to make my list. Then, I'd go by each deal and cut out the individual coupons. Couponsense cut at least 2-3 hours off my couponing last week. You click on the deals you want to use, it generates you a shopping list per store and a coupon cutting list that tells you that from this specific Sunday insert, you need these coupons for your deals. I'm LOVING this.
If you choose to try Couponsense, use the promo code: enjoy the savings
Select Referred by friend and enter Stephanie Ashcraft. It should show Andrea VanHorn as your instructor. She lives here in Arizona and is one of the top 10 couponers in their company.
Newspaper Subscriptions
Newspaper Subscriptions
AZ Daily Star- $4.30 per month for Sunday paper.
AZ Republic- Multiple Sunday Papers available. More expensive. More coupons.
AZ Republic- $1 per week for 1 Sunday paper Coupon Sources
There are so many ways to get coupons.
Lately I realized that I am using more printable coupons than coupons from the Sunday paper. You can get printable coupons from so many sources for pretty much everything you need for your family. FYI-Most of these websites reset their coupons and add coupons at the beginning of each month. Some even reset coupons on the 15th so you can print them again.
So I've kind of been interested in learning to coupon but two things have kept me from it. Maybe you can convince me otherwise. #1 I absolutely LOATHE grocery going to a few different stores to get it all done kind of scares me. #2 It seems like most of the coupons I've seen are for junk food items--or things that I would never purchase in the first place. So...please tell me I'm wrong and that couponing is for me. I wish I could attend your class tomorrow, but a newborn makes things unpredictable.
Ohhhh i missed it. the one day i dont log on.... Hopefully you will do another class soon??
Janette, right now Frys' accepts competitor's coupons so you can do most of your shopping at their store and get rainchecks if things are out of stock.
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