Monday, May 3, 2010

Fun Kid sites

I have had a few people ask me about websites I let my kids go to and play (I have 4 kids, 5 and under).

My sister came over recently and was showing her 18 month old some fun music video clips that I loved. They are fun songs that get your kids moving or learning or both. Beware...they are silly, so don't be so serious. :)

His name is Eric Herman. The website is
I haven't gone to everything on the site, but the playlist under the VIDEO button is what I have seen and like. (just click on the full screen button and let it play!) I don't know anything about costs of anything he sells, I am just letting you know about the fun FREE music video playlist he has up.

I also am a big fan of I think it helped my oldest learn to read. Although the leapfrog Letter Factory was a great start as well (I bought our DVD at Target).

Before we had cable my kids watched shows on, and Now they still like to but play games on there as well. I have a few other sites I let them go to, but if you want to know just ask, not sure what you are looking for!

What do you let your kids do on the computer?

1 comment:

Lynette said...

We like Also the boys like to watch Disney or Sesame Street clips on You Tube.